Time: 8:00am
Location: The Swimming Hole, Indoor Lap Pool
The Workout: Steak Dinner set
Today's focus is..
- Pacing, swimming easy, swimming hard
- Changing gears, practicing swimming slow, then putting the pedal down and swimming hard, a " beat the tide pace"
- Treading water in between swims
- Feeding, gulp and go feeds in under 30 seconds while treading water
In my swim bag is my new black TYR suit, I am planning to swim in it in Ireland and want to break it in so it is a little worn, molded to me and less likely to chaff.
Also in my bag is my feed, 4 servings of Maxim and water, these are in two pop top bottles with a wide mouth, there are levels on the bottles marking 250 and 500mls so I know how much to chug each feed, I also have a water bottle and a recovery drink of Gatorade and whey protein.
Finally the workout, written in pencil on canary yellow lined paper, no ink jet printer, it doesn't fair well after flip turns..... all the ink runs
Here is the workout, intervals are set for a 25 meter pool
10 x repeats on the 6:15 Interval ( my swim is 10 x 400's)
#1 - 9 75% effort Feed after number 4 & 9
# 10 Threshold Swim 85% effort+
10 x repeats on the 3:15 Interval ( my swim is 10 x 200's)
# 1 - 6 Recovery Pull with paddles
# 7- 10 Good Effort Swims
10 Repeats on the 2:00 Interval ( my swim is 10 x 100's)
# 1- 6 Ez Stretch, steady pace
# 7-10 Descend, # 10 Good Effort swim
10 x Repeats on the 1:15 Interval ( my swim is 10 x 50s)
Odd Ez stretch
Even Sprint, hold your time, last is your fastest
10 x 25's with 15 seconds rest ( swim down fast, ez back)
Swim Buddies
Swimming with me today is Cynthia, she is the best to swim with, super positive and good energy, Cynthia started swimming less than 2 years ago, she is an amazing athlete and unstoppable, she has taken swim lessons, joined our masters swim workout group and practiced, practiced, practiced and it shows, what fun!
Also in the water is " Fast Phil", he is a monster in the water, his strongest stroke is his backstroke, it amazes me every time I swim with him, he also has a strong freestyle too, that combined with a terrific work ethic makes for a terrific swim bud.
We begin
Cynthia and I arrive early and knock out the warm up, Phil arrives at the perfect time we are just about to start the 10 x 400's.
Goal is steady aerobic pace for the first 9, 1 through 4 are all 5:45 to 5:55 swims, after number 4 I feed, treading water I navigate gulping down my feed, I have 25 seconds to get it down, done, bottle down and gone. # 5, # 6, # 7, # 8....OK, 1 more 400 then I am going to feed again and after that it is time to push out a " beat the tide threshold swim", my goal to feed in under 30 seconds, then swim 400 HARD and NOT THROW UP!
Number 9 swim complete, I grab the bottle " tread and gulp", the feed pours out, I gag it down, throw the bottle on the deck and push off the wall as hard as I can. My heart pounds, my arms spins, I can taste the feed, I hold it down, BAM I Punch the wall...a 5:25, I am pleased. I grab my water and begin to tread while I drink.
Next Set & welcome Sue
Sue joined us mid way through the 6:15 set, now we are a pod of 4, next up...
10 x 3:15 Interval Repeats ( my swims are 200s)
1 thru 6 are recovery pull with paddles, it feels like a nap in a big down comforter, dreamy, with all good things they go too fast and before we knew it we were onto 7 thru 10 good effort swims.
I am planning on descending, with a feed after number 9, here is how it goes..
- # 7 2:50
- # 8 2:45
- # 9 2:40
- # 10 2:35 and feed stays down!
Phil punches out after 2 strong hours of swimming, he has other commitments, we say our farewells and it is on to....
10 x Repeats on the 2:00 minute Interval ( mine are 10 x 100's )
1- 6 Recovery, again these were delicious, times 1:30s
7-10 Descend
- # 7 1:30
- # 8 1:25
- # 9 1:20
- # 10 1:15 in the thick of it another feed.
10 x 50's on the 1: 15 Interval
# 1,3,5,7 & 9 are " nice and easy
# 2,4,6,8 & 10 are sprints, the goal hold..... time for the first 4 and punch it on the last one
The first sprint is too slow, my goal time is 38, I swim a 40, time to " man up"
# 4 38 seconds
# 6 38 seconds
# 8 37 seconds
#10 35 seconds Excellent
10 x 25s ( Down easy and fast back)
The sprints are breakouts, strong off the wall, sprint three quarters of the way down the pool without a breath, then easy to the wall, these zip by, finally it is # 10, " what the heck, all out and no air for the whole 25 meters on the last one....success, WAHOO!
Wrap up & Chat
We made it, all the feed bottles and water bottles are empty, all that was prescribed on the canary yellow paper is complete, we chat, after swim chats hanging over the lane lines are the BEST. We hang out long enough to cool off, then push off for a cool down, then it is out of the pool, into the hot shower and for me a 5km run...it is not in my training plan but I love to get outdoors and I love to run, I enjoy it very much.
Feed Me!
12:30, I am showered and dressed after my run, time to get home and refuel, I am starving! Next up lunch and a good dose of it.
What's coming up tomorrow, 9am Yoga and a day off training, 40,000 meters complete for the week. Coming up next planning..Ireland! Oh and why is called the " steak Dinner Set"? ...Guess what I am having for dinner!
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